Published by: HarperTeen
Genre: Young Adult Fantasy, YA Romance
Tagline: Kill the best, win the girl
Rating: ***
I really really really did not enjoy this book. In fact, I felt that it was like a cheap imitation of Katniss from Hunger Games meets The Selection but worse.
The book begins with the appearance of a beast who is killing people left right and centre and so happens to kill the princess's cousin's fiance. From there we meet the said princess and her oh so boring life.
However as the attacks get worse, her father creates a competition to allow someone to marry her if they slay the beast. Thus spurring the arrival of numerous characters from everywhere. Of course, to make it equal Higgins does include female warriors but there's no mention of whether they will marry the royal family. Instead it would be their brother who gets the girl. Barf.
But the most annoying part of the book was the passive nature of the protagonist. It felt and read very blah and that's why it has taken me so long to write this review. I just didn't want to, like I didn't want to finish the book.
The Great Hunt can be bought now at Amazon UK.