
If I Was Your Girl by Meredith Russo

Published by: Flatiron Books
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Rating: ****

Meredith Russo is an absolutely wonderful writer who has created such a brilliant and incredible story that is needed in this day and age. Writing about a teen who is struggling with identity, Amanda, the protagonist, was born as Andrew but surgery has allowed her to be who she is supposed to be. However, Amanda has had issues fitting in. Not many people are open to the idea of going to school with her, or even dating her which has left the poor girl scarred. But things are about to change. Amanda is starting anew with her father in a new state and so her life is beginning again.

I found the book promising. One of my friends and fellow students recently wrote on the topic for a creative writing deadline and it was absolutely beautiful and so powerful. Again, for a book of this topic it is so rare for me to actually get past the first few pages, but with this one, I was captivated and could not put it down. I was in book-love with it and wanted to find out what was next in Amanda's life.

If I Was Your Girl can be purchased at Amazon UK now.