
Race Girl (The Go Girls Chronicle #3) by Leigh Hutton

Published by: Port Campbell Press
Genre: YA Contemporary, Sports, Equestrian
Rating: ***

This has got to be a really weird book to review purely because of how it varies between being really good and quite blah. Of course, that can be because I might not be the intended target audience of the story (it's clearly meant for a younger audience). 

However, the story follows the life of Tully Athens and her endeavor to be like her idol, the great Michelle Payne. But there is a problem. Her family farm is no longer able to afford the basic luxuries that come with racing. Yet there is another issue. How can Tully ride when her mother only just died from a racing incident? 

My honest view of this was how amazing the story was at first. It was only until the middle of the novel that the novel took a nosedive into a ridiculous tale that made no sense at all. I could not, for the life of me, wrap my head around the many different plot twists introduced in the last 100 pages or so.

Therefore, I end my review with a link to buy the book from Amazon.